Orientation Presentations


Students identify and propose each learning experience (300-hour and 150-hour) in advance, with details of the approval process provided upon joining the program. For each experience, students identify a mentor who will supervise the work or provide external expertise and guidance. All proposed experiences will be reviewed for their relation to innovation and entrepreneurship, their quality, and how they fit the student’s stated objectives for completing the Certificate.

Students may choose to complete their experiences at any time, as long as the experiences meet the minimum hour requirements and are both completed prior to taking the I&E 499 capstone course.

If you have completed, or are planning to complete an experience, fill out these forms for approval. You will receive a confirmation email once your experience is approved.


The portfolio is one of the core requirements of the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Certificate alongside your courses and experiences. It is an externally-facing digital collection of work and reflections that together showcase your learning experiences and accomplishments. All portfolios will be featured on the I&E website at the end of your senior year, and those who complete this requirement with excellence will be recognized at I&E Certificate graduation; we will also share those portfolios in I&E communications for alumni, faculty, staff and students to view.

Within the first two weeks of the Capstone course, you will create the portfolio as an assignment using the platform of your choosing (such as Canva, Figma, PowerPoint, WordPress, etc). You will submit it as an assignment and use it in-class to guide a discussion of your entrepreneurial experiences. Toward the end of the semester, you will add a final reflection to the portfolio, considering your future and how you will carry forward what you have learned during your time at Duke. 

Here are two templates you can use on Canva and Duke WordPress

The I&E Certificate Portfolio will be completed as part of the Capstone course beginning Spring 2023 and going forward.

Course Exception Petition

Students are able to propose a non-approved course to satisfy a certificate requirement. The proposed course should relate to innovation and/or entrepreneurship and your learning goals for the I&E certificate. 

  • Course Proposal forms will be reviewed within a week of receipt.  Students will need to include course syllabus for submission. 
  • If you are studying abroad and would like to submit a course exception you will need to initiate the approval process through the Global Education office.

Capstone Registration

Students register for the Capstone as their final requirement for the I&E Undergraduate Certificate.

In order to be eligible for the capstone the following requirements must be completed, submitted, and approved.

  • Courses: Gateway Elective, I&E 352 – Strategies for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Keystone) and Additional Elective.
  • Electives will be different for every student.
    • 150 hr experience proposal approved and the experience fully complete before the start of the Capstone.
    • 300 hr experience proposal approved and the experience fully complete before the start of the Capstone.
  • Permission numbers for the Capstone are provided on a first-come, first-served basis. While we can guarantee you enrollment in a capstone, we cannot guarantee a specific section. If there is a particular section you want to register for, make sure to complete your requirements (listed above) and request a permission number as soon as possible. 
  • The deadline to request a permission number is the first day of classes.

Declare the Certificate

When you declare your major, be sure to also declare the Certificate. If you have already declared your major, be sure to add the Certificate to your academic plan.

I&E Experience Opportunities Database

In the event that none of the posts in our database contain opportunities you are looking for, we recommend these pages as additional resources:

NextGen HQ’s Opportunities Board

American Underground’s Triangle Companies and Jobs Board

Duke Career Center’s Career Hub

Greentown Labs – Climate Tech Startups


Duke I&E does not necessarily endorse these opportunities. Our goal is to expose students to as many opportunities as possible. Students are expected to perform their own due diligence on each opportunity to determine its legitimacy and fit. Additionally, these opportunities do not automatically count as experiences toward the I&E Certificate. Students must complete an experience proposal in order for it to count toward the certificate.

If you’re completing a summer experience that requires that you earn academic credit, you can enroll in WR 270 in the summer or WR 271 in the fall.

Summer 2023
Writing 270: Composing the Internship Experience: Digital Rhetoric and Social Media Discourse (ALP, W)

Meaningfully reflect on and productively narrate internship or other work-related experiences using digital rhetoric and social media. Topics and readings include theoretical perspectives on social media, composing in digital platforms, and examining audience, purpose, and context in the public sphere. Online asynchronous, with writing workshops scheduled according to availability.

Contact Denise Comer with questions or to request a permission number.

8-Week Version: Writing 270, Section 1, May 22-July 14, 2023

14-Week Version (provides CPT for International Students): Writing 270, Section 2, May 17-August 23, 2023

Fall 2023
Writing 271: Reflective Writing and the Internship/Work Experience (W)
Key concepts related to reflective writing through reading, discussion, and structured writing. Students will compose reflective writing about their internship/work experiences. Provides CPT for International students. ½ credit, online asynchronous.

You can make yourself eligible to enroll for summer here.