If you’re a Duke student, you’re a Duke I&E student—whatever your interests and goals, you’ll benefit from building an entrepreneurial mindset and skills. Our students are entrepreneurs, creators, intrapreneurs, financiers, influencers, artists, athletes, and thought leaders.
Whether you want to start your own company, tackle a pressing problem in the world, or simply learn vital business skills for your future career, Duke I&E is here to support you.
Spend Your Summer in the Nation's Leading Hub for Entrepreneurship
The Ronald & Carrie Ludwig Duke in Silicon Valley program is a month-long, one-credit course that teaches you about venture creation where it happens—you'll tour companies throughout the Bay Area and interact with founders and leaders of the country’s most innovative organizations.
They are founders, researchers, engineers, artists, innovators, and future titans of industry and influence. While at Duke, they've gained the tools they need to go out and make an impact—including creativity, resilience, empathy, and foundational business skills.
Hear from some of the 120 undergraduate, graduate, and professional students from across Duke graduating with the I&E Certificate.
This program helped me make connections between classes, projects, extracurriculars, and internships. I&E is about as interdisciplinary as it gets and let me weave together my diverse interests.
Katie Drinkwater '23